Sunday, January 22, 2006

Make yourself useful to society.

And give me something to write about.
Yes I'm taking requests from you people about a topic for another blog entry. If you have any ideas, leave a comment to this entry with them in it. If they don't suck, then good job, you've made a contribution that will last a lifetime.
If they do suck, so do you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

No wonder American education is going down the shitter (part two)

Well, let's see. Yesterday I left off after example number two- second period, so I think I'll continue from there.

For example #3
Third period for me is English. Oh boy, oh boy. For the past couple months our teacher has been out due to the adoption of a child. Fine. Not my business. Today she got back (and don't get me wrong, she's one of the teachers I kind of enjoy) and proceeded to tell us stories of adoption, her time away, etc., etc. Eventually she got to the part where she told us that occassionally she'll quit grading papers part way through so that the person whose paper is being graded can pass. What the...? A perfect example of the all-too common attitude (heh, look there's "tit" again-- attitude haha) of "I don't give a damn" that teachers possess today. But since I like this teacher, I'll quit right there.

For example #4
Gym. Ahem, excuse me, physical education. No teacher better represents not giving a shit than our phys. ed. teacher. Countless times we've spent class sitting up against a wall with the option to participate. Not that it mattered if we did or not. Hell I might as well have just shoved a cactus up my ass for all the more it matters in that class. Aside from my last period of the day (which I'll get to later), this is the only class in which the teacher tries to prevent cheating on tests (yes, that's right, we have tests in gym). Not that anyone should have to cheat anyway- any asshole can get a passing grade on every single one of these fricking tests. After our tennis unit, questions like: What color is the tennis ball? or after the unit in which we RAN day after day: This unit was a ______ unit. (the answer is "running" by the way, for any of you Hillary Clintons out there with your heads too far up your ass to know). Regardless, I more often than not enjoy this class. It's not so bad when phys. ed. is nearly carefree since it's not a "major" class (like English, math, science, etc.). Who cares?

For example #5
Next up I have probability and statistics. There isn't much to say here because I don't feel like it.

For example #6
Study hall. Every damn day assholes run rampant for the sole purpose of pissing me off. It's uncanny how much they succeed in doing so. Morons. I hate them. Not everyone, but those who irritate me. Launch them into the center of the sun, I say. Or make them go to Africa and have a giant orgy that way they'll not only have sex with Africans, but they'll get AIDS in the process. Hot damn.

For examplel #7
Uh-oh, better be careful here. Touchy-touchy little subject. Writing about this got me kicked out of school for four days (which was unconstitutional by the way). So I'll do what I always do when I piss someone off: do it again. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this woman discriminates. Certain people (as always, I won't mention names) get away with so much shit in that class it makes me sick. "Selective disciplining," as I like to call it, is just like Naziism. That's right, just like the Nazis did back in the old days. I hate it. That kind of shit makes me, as a student, never ever want to give blood to the Red Cross again. God forbid I give any of these fools my blood.

I'm done. To hell with this, I'm tired.

Do me a favor: comment.
More comments = more updates.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day you KKK-loving nigger-bashers.
If the rest of my family was black like me, we'd kick your asses for being racist.
What does that have to do with anything I previously said? Hell if I know.

Monday, January 16, 2006

No wonder American education is going down the shitter (part one)

As I sat in school today knowing that I had to make an update to this damn blog of mine, I pondered what I should write about. Then it hit me: the teachers who are planting the seeds of, and cultivating the "future of America." And the more I think about it (haha..."about it" kind of sounds like "about tit" haha...), the more I understand why the U.S. is getting dumber: teachers suck these days. Really, they just don't care anymore. And hell, if teachers don't give two shits about doing their damn job, what the hell does it matter to a kid if he/she gets an education? It doesn't, really.

For example...
First period today (government): our teacher left the room at least three or four times without so much as leaving a hint as to where the hell she was going that was so much more important than teaching us. Sure, one time she said "I'll be right back," but that's it. And sure, she had a video of a presidential debate on for us to watch, but with no teacher to bother with, who the hell cares? We might as well have just shoved our heads up our asses because there was nothing to learn from any of it, unfortunately. Then the teacher checked off our vocab homework, which I didn't know was due today. So I'm getting half credit because it's going to be late when I hand it in. Okay, now I know this sounds just CRAZY but last week we spent almost entirely in a computer lab, which is no big deal until we observe the fact that there is a big-ass divider in the middle of the room separating it into two halves. Half one: teacher and some students. Half two: students, including myself and another person who didn't get his vocabulary done because he too was unaware that it was due. As a teacher, wouldn't it be...oh, say, fair to the students on half two if you were to get up off your ass and go to the half two and make announcements about when homework is due, rather than just sit at one of the computers the entire time and try to talk through a divider? I for one, don't have any special superpowers (except being so tough that I eat nails and shit razor blades, with the occasional pissing of battery acid) that allow me to hear sounds through large objects without some kind of interference. So you know what, government? Piss off. But don't feel bad, it's not just you...

For example #2...
The very next class period, I walk in to my desk to see it all covered in pencil. Maybe it was drawn on or something. Whatever. So I go up to our (substitute) teacher and ask if I can go to the restroom to get a wet paper towel to clean the desk with. His response: "I don't care. Do what you want." Allow me to note that this is the same teacher that once made a comment "No shit," in the middle of that same class. Two people came into class late today, both of which had passes and hence, were excused from any kind of being-late-to-class punishment. That's just fine and dandy to me, because, frankly, where they are is none of my damn business. So they showed the teacher their passes. "Here, (teachers name here), I have my pass signed." To which he replies, "I don't care." This may be a rather small/light example, but that's how damn near every teacher is.

It's not at all surprising to me why kids in school are all such dickfaced assholes: teachers don't care. Who gives a flying shit what the peckerhead does as long as it doesn't affect me? Fuck you and your family! If it were your kid acting like a dipshit and he/she was ignored for it, how would you feel? Your kid would be turning into a fuck-up because of a lack of care and/or discipline. You're the same damn way. I could go on about this but I'm running out of time, so I'll be back with a part two, possibly tomorrow or something. Until then, who cares?

Mifflin County School District won't be doing a thing about anything I post on here. It's all off-campus and thus out of their control. Disagree MCSD? Fine, try me and I'll let you have a little talk about the first amendment with my friends at the ACLU. Have a grand day.
