Monday, April 24, 2006

The solution to all of your problems.

I figured it out today. What did I figure out you ask? EVERYTHING.
Every question you've ever needed the answer to, I have the answer for.

So allow me to introduce to you the PERFECT solution for all of your problems: suicide.
So you're not sure how suicide is the answer to all of life's questions, eh? Well allow me to give you a few examples.

Pregnant? Hell, nothing says suicide like pregnancy. Come on, be honest with yourself here: you're not ready to have children. In fact, you'll probably one of the shittiest parents in the world. Plus if you have a kid and it pisses me off, I'll be coming to your house to stomp your ass, and that'd be even WORSE than suicide. No one wants me to deliver an ass beating after their stupid-shit kid gets on my nerves. NO ONE.

This one is to help all of my fellow seniors out there: can't get accepted to college? Eh, to hell with all of it. If you can't get accepted at some college or other post-secondary school, you're probably just destined for failure and no one wants a life like that. So just end it and save your parents a lot of money. If you kill yourself now, they'll have plenty of money for your funeral! You've always wanted a fancy funeral didn't you? Of course you did. You're an asshole. You ought to just kill yourself for wanting an expensive funeral anyway. Jeez...quit being such a spoiled little brat. Once you're dead you won't give a damn about your funeral anyway. The best way to do it in this case is to drown yourself in the ocean that way there will be no physical part of you left for anyone to bury. At least you'll have done something right.

If you're an asshole that writes hit lists and drops them around at school to create semi-disorder: death is the only option for you. No, really. What the hell are you trying to prove anyway? If you're going to go nuts and attack our school, man up and do it you pussy. Don't tease me by pretending. Which brings me to another point: why am I not on the hit list(s)? I make it a point to be a dickhead to as many people as I possibly can yet I don't make it onto some piss-ant's hit list? Must be a moron writing the list. In all honesty, if you're going to shoot up the school, why reveal it to everyone and draw all of this attention to the idea? Do you want caught that badly? You're making me ask too many questions and thus you should do the right thing and answer them all for me. With a single gunshot. Directed at yourself. With suicide- the solution to all of your problems.

Know what? To hell with it all. EVERYONE should commit suicide and solve EVERY problem in the world. With no one left, there will be no one to start shit. And with no one left, I'll be able to roam the earth as I please and do what I want without people pissing me off- which should be a crime punishable by execution...legally I mean. Just because executing those who piss me off isn't legal doesn't mean I'm not allowed to do it.

Remember- I write the rules, I break the rules.

***just so you know, I'm not planning on EVER killing don't kick me out of school for fuck's sake.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I now respect police again.

....check out this frickin' awesome video of a typical arrogant asshole acting tough with police. Unlike those pussies on COPS, this guy didn't take any shit. We need more ass-kicking cops like this. There'd be a lot less jackasses running around town acting like "thugs" if ALL the police would do this. I swear, every time I see some skinny-ass white kid wearing a heavy winter coat (a big white Parka for instance), a white baseball cap turned somewhat sideways, and a pair of South Pole jeans hanging below his asscrack, I just want to go ape-shit and stomp some ass straight into the ground. Dickheads anyway...


Who the hell do they think they are running around like they own the place?

Loud-mouthed oafs.

I hate them. I hate them all and I'd like to erase them from my midst.

Same goes for those weightlifters that walk around with thier man-tits, I'm sorry, "pecs" held up high like people are impressed. Wow, you made your pectoral muscles bulge in a way that looks like you have a huge tumor in your chest? Congratulations! I wish I could do that. You know what? Your muscles may be huge, but unless you're going to use them for something, what does it matter? All you're doing is taking up space. MY space. Oooh, yo bitches, check out mah gunzzz!! Any broad willing to throw herself at you for the false sense of security you provide for her with your body mass is a douchehole anyway. I hate shallow girls like that. Get over yourself big-guy, there will always be someone out there with bigger, more powerful muscles than you. Failures.

Oh look at me I got off track.
Until I update again, here's the awesome video.